All that I know today I learn from my father, who in turn had learnt from his own father...
I must admit that all these things seem to have gone astray in the midst of the chaos of the modern World where mediocrity seems to prevail.
But, somehow my roots, just like a bad attack of rheumatism, have managed to bring me back to my senses and awaken my childhood memories.
All of those familiar smells have coming flooding back to me, as well as the gestures, the fears, the desires and even the naivety.
But there is something I forgot to tell you - my father was called Edmond...
It was for him, for myself and for you that I worked with such devotion to create this masterpiece that bears his name.
An interesting story.
Text by Jean-Pierre Rodolphe Lédé.
Friend and wine writer
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[] [] [] [] [Edmond - Sancerre white] [] []